The best team connection experience
on the planet.

Meet anthym, a one-of-a-kind team connection experience that leverages the time-machine-like power of music to help members of a team surface & catalog important life memories via The 5 Memory Intro.  The 5 Memory Intro is then brought to life in a guided memory-sharing session that is a fun and transformative team connection experience you're sure to love.

average NPS from participants in the anthym team experience


report immediate increase in connection with teammates


report anthym as most impactful connection experience ever

Book an anthym demo!

Trusted by world-class brands.

Ryan Edwards - Silicon Valley Bank

"I have never experienced such a deep connection in a meeting of co-workers. Having the experience with anthym was so therapeutic."

Ryan Edwards | Managing Director
Silicon Valley Bank

Kristen Beckman - iMemories

"anthym was so fresh and so new – unlike anything
else I've ever experienced in my 20+ year Human Resources career."

Kristen Beckman | VP of Human Resources


"There’s little more powerful than music to feel, connect and heal on the deepest levels. anthym’s workshop provided a much needed respite for our team to do all of these things, and more.”

Jennifer Russo | Sr. Director of Communications &
HR Strategy | Banner Health

anthym's Introductory Track

the 5 memory Intro

Leveraging the time-machine-like power of music, each member of your team will take a trip down their life’s memory lane and catalog five memories that hold a special place of significance  – prior to the facilitated session. And, each memory will be symbolized by the music that was ‘playing in the background’ – in a sense, building a mini ‘soundtrack of their life.'


The 5 Memory Intro share.

The most powerful connection experience on the planet!

Bring your team together, virtually or in-person!  The 5 Memory Intro leverages a unique combination of life memories and music to help open the door for a deeper level of conversation leading to unparalleled levels of connection and trust.

Foster more collaboration and cohesion

Improve employee experience

Drive engagement

Reduce unnecessary and costly voluntary attrition

Accelerate time-to-productivity

The results are off-the-charts.

average NPS from participants in the anthym intro experience


report an immediate increase in connection with teammates


report anthym as the most impactful connection experience ever

connected teams

"Belonging and trust are the foundations for high performing teams and anthym provided a unique and authentic opportunity for creating community in our virtual classroom."

Dr. Josh Armstrong | Gonzaga University | Organizational Leadership
Assistant Professor

An impactful experience for any use case.

Human Resources | People Experience
Functional Corporate Teams
Events & Conferences
Boards of Directors
Industry Associations
New Cohort Program Integration
Executive Retreats & Strategy Sessions
University Admissions & Class Orientation
Alumni Events & Reunions

The buzz around anthym experiences...

Jackie Mohr | Zillow
Associate General Counsel

The anthym experience was an extremely powerful team connection experience.  Simple, fun and deep - a combination that most team cohesion experiences aren't able to accomplish.  Highly recommended!

Ryan Edwards | Silicon Valley Bank
Managing Director

I have never experienced such a deep connection in a meeting of co-workers. Having the experience with anthym was so therapeutic. The ability to learn people’s background gave me a new love for who my colleagues are, and not just the work that they do. This type of connection is what life is about.

Jennnifer Russo | Banner Health
Senior Director of HR Strategy

There’s little more powerful than music to feel, connect and heal on the deepest levels. anthym’s workshop provided a much needed respite for our team to do all of these things, and more. I recommend anthym to anyone looking to build deeper connections.

Dave Rauch | Daily Table
Founder & CEO

I've spent over 40 years looking for a great, effective way to accelerate the trust and relationships that are fundamental to a healthy business culture. While at Trader Joe's, and now at Daily Table, I've participated in numerous workshops and "experiences" that attempt to bond and form real connections as a group.  I've never seen such a successful embrace of a process, and such a positive result as we recently had with the anthym virtual workshop. It brought our board and office team together in an effective, yet time efficient process. Everyone loved it! If you're looking for a smart way to strengthen the level of connection and trust among your teammates, I recommend anthym enthusiastically.  You'll love it!

Kristen Beckman | iMemories
VP of Human Resources

The anthym experience came to us at just the right time.  It was an impactful team-building session that we definitely needed after a long busy season.  The insights and experiences we shared will last with us for a long time.  We are excited to look for other ways to include this platform into our employee development and onboarding programs.  It was so fresh and so new and not like anything else I’ve ever experienced in my 20+ year HR career.

Jon Schafer | Remarkable Health
VP of Customer Experience

As an avid concert-goer music has a big place in my life, so naturally I was thrilled when a music-based team building exercise was proposed to our leadership team. From the moment I started the assignment I was hooked on this concept! I thought “I get to use meaningful songs that evoke emotions/memories, and share them with my peers”?  Learning about my peers using this method was not only fun but felt very easy for everyone involved…Kudos for creating a super simple and rewarding experience.

Nicole Vitale | West Point Association of Graduates
Director of Alumni Events & Operations

This new and exciting platform takes you on a musical journey while reflecting on meaningful moments in your life and then allowing you to share those moments with others. The experience allowed for memories and emotions to strengthen connections with teammates in a very impactful and delightful way. Perfect for companies, reunions, family gatherings, shared interest groups, etc. This is one musical experience you do not want to miss.

Elizabeth Fisk | ARA
VP of Human Resources

As the HR team for Applied Research Associates, we have the opportunity to participate in and organize team building activities for our company. The anthym experience was different from anything we’ve done before! It stimulated us to think about our histories, our stories, and share them through music in a very meaningful way. Our team is close-knit already, but this brought us even closer as we learned something new about one another. The anthym experience is a wonderful way to help us reflect and connect outside the day to day work experience, and it opens the door for deepening relationships of trust on a team.

Dr. Josh Armstrong | Gonzaga University | Organizational Leadership
Assistant Professor

We integrated anthym into an online graduate team building course – the learning related to storytelling, connection, and trust resonated deeply with our students. Belonging and trust are the foundations for high performing teams and anthym provided a unique and authentic opportunity for creating community in our virtual classroom.  Music connects deeply with our lived experiences and this platform provided a safe environment to share these meaningful moments.

Brian Burkhart | SquarePlanet
Founder & CEO

Creating authentic, valuable connections with other like-minded people in your industry is half the reason organizations hold events. Unlike so many other attempts, anthym was instant, deep and fun. The people I met are now fully integrated into my network, we have engaging conversations built on an initial connection that actually mattered; anthym did that. Highly recommended!

Adam Goodman | Goodmans Interior Structures

We found anthym to be a fast track for instigating meaningful conversations between people who might not otherwise connect beyond a collegial level. For some reason, people are more comfortable being vulnerable and sharing life stories when it's in the context of talking about music. Employees who have known each other for over a decade are, for the first time, learning about their colleagues’ most prideful accomplishments, aching love affairs, and disappointing heartaches.

Julie Phillips | Bryan University
VP Employee Excellence

We found anthym to be a fast track for instigating meaningful conversations between people who might not otherwise connect beyond a collegial level. For some reason, people are more comfortable being vulnerable and sharing life stories when it's in the context of talking about music. Employees who have known each other for over a decade are, for the first time, learning about their colleagues’ most prideful accomplishments, aching love affairs, and disappointing heartaches.

Shawn Olds | boodleAI

We found anthym to be a fast track for instigating meaningful conversations between people who might not otherwise connect beyond a collegial level. For some reason, people are more comfortable being vulnerable and sharing life stories when it's in the context of talking about music. Employees who have known each other for over a decade are, for the first time, learning about their colleagues’ most prideful accomplishments, aching love affairs, and disappointing heartaches.

Patrick Shelton | Benefit Plans Plus, LLC
Chief Believer

We found anthym to be a fast track for instigating meaningful conversations between people who might not otherwise connect beyond a collegial level. For some reason, people are more comfortable being vulnerable and sharing life stories when it's in the context of talking about music. Employees who have known each other for over a decade are, for the first time, learning about their colleagues’ most prideful accomplishments, aching love affairs, and disappointing heartaches.

Matt Likens | GT Med Tech
President & CEO

Approximately two months ago I became aware of Anthym, a program designed to bring people together by sharing select life experiences in combination with the music most meaningful to them while navigating through these experiences. What a brilliant idea! Brian Mohr was an outstanding facilitator of the process. Feedback from the team post-Anthym was also unanimous. POSITIVE! This proved to be an effective way to bring our team together in-person following the 15 months of COVID distancing. We will definitely plan on doing this again and are considering a wider roll-out within our organization.

Ready for a transformative team connection experience?

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