The Beautiful Game.

Share your favorite memories of the
World Cup.

How it works.

Reflect on the memories that made you a fan.
Complete our World Cup Memories track to catalog the memories & stories behind those experiences.

Take a trip down your life’s memory lane and catalog three (3) memories that hold a special place of significance in your World Cup journey. And, each memory will be symbolized by a song or video clip that triggers that memory for you.

Connect with others important in your life.
Use our group wizard to connect with others through shared experiences & inspirational media around The Beautiful Game.

Create groups and invite colleagues, friends or family to join you on anthym, or join our existing World Cup Fans group below.  Connect with other members in your own private anthym instance.

Share the memories that have shaped you as a fan.
Explore & share important memories & stories with members of your group.

anthym makes it easy to share memories with one another through several points of discovery.  You can scroll through everyone's memories in the group grid view, or visit and play the anthyms of individual group members.

anthym Connection Experience
The most powerful connection experience on the planet!

Bring your friends, family or colleagues together, virtually or in-person for a facilitated anthym connection experience hosted by an anthym certified consultant. The 5 Memory Intro leverages a unique combination of life moments and music to help open the door for a deeper level of conversation leading to unparalleled levels of connection and trust.  You can also participate in one of our upcoming free public connection experiences if you'd like.

Ready to accelerate authentic human connections?

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