

anthym year in review

2022 proved that anthym is a "must-have" – not just a nice-to-have. 

2022 was a year of industry, client, and investor validation. We saw triple-digit growth in revenue, members & member content, onboarded teams from some of the largest companies in the world, and received investment from several of the top venture and business development accelerators in the space.

Some of our big wins.


anthym was 1 of 6 startups selected to the 2022 Blackbaud Social Good Startup Program.

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anthym was 1 of 10 startups selected to the 2022 MuckerLab accelerator program.

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anthym was 1 of 20 HR Tech startups selected to the 2022 Techcrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield.

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anthym was 1 of 9 startups selected to the 2022 Lair East Labs business development accelerator.

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anthym was 1 of 6 startups selected to pitch at the 2022 Blackbaud bbcon conference.

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anthym was awarded a 2022 innovation grant from InvisonAZ in partnership with Arizona's Governor.

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Some of our new clients:

2022 Growth – by the numbers:

We experienced amazing Year-over-Year (Y-o-Y) growth across several key metrics:






team groups created


memories created


Full speed ahead in 2023.

We're excited to announce our inaugural event – Connectapalooza – the premier conference for leaders who care about connection in the workplace & beyond.  Join leaders & innovators in the Connection category for a day of fresh & unique workshops, a special fireside chat, and a startup pitch competition!

anthym will become the new system of measurement as it relates to the connectedness of company culture. If IQ measures intelligence, and EQ measures emotional intelligence, then CQ (Connection Quotient) measures the level of connectedness of a company’s people. Stay tuned for the official debut in mid-2023!



Our clients have spoken and they want to experience anthym everywhere they already are.  That means you'll soon see anthym integrated within existing workflows.  We built & launched our Slack integration in Q3.22 and will soon be releasing integrations with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Workday.

Meet our amazing scientific advisors.

Dr. Matthew Lieberman

Member - Anthym Science Advisory Council

"What anthym is doing is really essential.  People don’t have the level of meaningful connections in the workplace that they would like to.  Frankly, there is a loneliness epidemic that occurs both outside and inside of work.  anthym has created a great way to help people really get to know and deepen the connections they have with the people they work with.”

harvard – ph.d., psychology

director – ucla social cognitive neuroscience lab

author – social

Dr. Elizabeth Margulis

Member - Anthym Science Advisory Council

"Research in music cognition often explores the relationship between music and social bonding. It’s exciting to link these ideas with real-world applications, such as anthym’s aspiration to foster connections in the workplace and beyond.”

Columbia University – ph.d.

director – Princeton Music Cognition lab

author – On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind

author – The Psychology of music

Meet some of our biggest fans.

Ryan Edwards - Silicon Valley Bank

"I have never experienced such a deep connection in a meeting of co-workers. Having the experience with anthym was so therapeutic."

Ryan Edwards | Managing Director
Silicon Valley Bank

Kristen Beckman - iMemories

"anthym was so fresh and so new – unlike anything
else I've ever experienced in my 20+ year Human Resources career."

Kristen Beckman | VP of Human Resources


"There’s little more powerful than music to feel, connect and heal on the deepest levels. anthym’s workshop provided a much needed respite for our team to do all of these things, and more.”

Jennifer Russo | Sr. Director of Communications &
HR Strategy | Banner Health

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